
Generally known as Fix&Flip, our superior market knowledge and deal origination skills allow us to achieve best execution in each deal

We will buy low by leveraging market opportunities, undervalued properties or taking advantage of forecosures and auctions

Once identified a property we will rapidly develop a project, financial projections and deal plan to be presented to our community of investors.

Once Agreed we will fundraise and create an SPV to invest in the specific project so each investor will be involved in a specific project.

Once called the capital in, we will start the refurbishmenet project and already dealing with our network of estate agents

✔ Investment Research✔ Deal Origination and Valuation✔ Financing, execution and delivery✔ Property marketing and sales.✔ Deliver superior returns to our investors✔ Cyclical reinvestment

Deal Hunt

We find undervalued properties or they find us. Once the connection is made, we value the asset, plan and agree a development project on the property clearly outlining the cost and the maximum return we can achieve from the sale allowing the owner to maximise his revenue.

Our target is generally properties that are or might not be in the market, mostly with a dealflow generated by client outreach rather than our research.

The target client is looking to sell their property and maximise the value of it but don’t have the knowledge and time to manage it themselves.

We act as service provider and middleman, with no actual monetary investment from our side.

✔ Property Valuation & Projection.✔ Project Design✔ Market Research to spec✔ Project Management✔ Best Deal Execution

Dream Hunt

We make your dream come true. Our clients share their dream, budget and target locations. We make it happen. From location research, through dealing, project planning, execution and delivery, till your first step into your new home, securing the best deal and value for money..

Our target is generally properties that are or might not be in the market, mostly with a dealflow generated by client outreach rather than our research.

The target client is looking to buy their dream property which is not in the market and needs custom design. They do not have the knowledge and time to execute themselves..

We act as service provider and middleman, with no actual monetary investment from our side

We act as service provider and middleman, with no actual monetary investment from our side.

✔ Property Valuation & Projection.✔ Project Design✔ Market Research to spec✔ Project Management✔ Best Deal Execution✔ Best Deal Execution

Plan B(nB)

For those who want to maximise return from unused or underused assets, we take care of refurbishment and property management to deliver the best returns to our clients. We help you transform your extra liability, in a revenue generating machine.

Usually people that have one or more properties that are not put to use. They do not want to get rid of the asset, yet need guidance on the management

We provide refurbishment plan, rental strategy, execution and ex-post property management service.

✔ Property Valuation & Projection.✔ Refurbishment✔ Commercialization✔ Property Marketing✔ Property & Tennant Management